En komplett leverandør av betongprodukter
Ølen Betong leverer løsninger i betong til alle typer bygg og anlegg.
Our main concrete products
Pipe and manhole systems.

Pipe and manhole systems from Ølen Betong is a total solution of pipe and risers for all purposes, branched pipes, bends, joints as well as accessories in the form of street furniture, dikes etc. There are also joint solutions to other pipe systems (e.g. plastic pipes).
Ølen Betong also has its own department for the production of prefabricated special manhole risers and other special products, made according to the customer’s instructions. Concrete manhole is a strong and solid solution that is stable and has little risk of floating up. A complete system delivered at the ditch edge is time-saving and efficient. We have delivered tailor made products with a weight of up to 50 tons.
Ølen Betong is a member of BASAL, which works for common product solutions and standards for the industry. We supply BASAL products, which satisfy the current requirements and give you a fully functional system with a documented lifespan of more than 100 years. For more product information, look up in the BASAL product catalog
Concrete slabs and paving blocks

Pavers and paving stones provide a great and clean cover for gardens, driveways, parks, terraces and other outdoor spaces.
We also supply granite and curbstone so that you can tailor your outdoor space to your needs. The combination of paving stone with curbstone gives a stylish overall look. Our products are also available in several colours. There are many variants to choose from, take a look in our product catalog for inspiration.
Wall and block products

Do you want to use more of the area on your plot, divide the plot into several heights, or protect against curious neighbours?
We supply base and formwork blocks for foundation walls, as well as several types of blocks for retaining walls both in gardens, facing roads and other outdoor areas. This is available both as a small block for hand stacking (Mini-Trønderblock) and large variants (Big Block and Legoblock) for larger walls that retains weight. All our products are delivered with a "natural stone pattern", which gives a natural look.
Read more about our various products here:
We work continously with measures that lead to sustainable lifecycles. In order to utilize all the concrete produced, we have a product we call surplusblocks. These bricks are made from the surplus after the production. These concrete blocks are perfectly suited for use on landfill sites where the concrete is not so visible. As, for example, when constructing a breakwater or boathouse.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!